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About Us

Transformative is here to amplify the work of those doing good.

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There is so much good being done in the world and it needs to be connected, supported, and magnified.

We gather the world’s most dedicated, inspiring, and impactful changemakers, funders, and policymakers to spread their work, connect them to each other, and help them find the solutions, support, and approvals they need. 

Our impact summits have run in New York City at UN Climate Week and in Zanzibar Tanzania. 

We are passionate about amplifying the work
of those who have dedicated their lives to making a difference and are motivated to gather innovators who are doing incredible things to
transform how we live and work.

Transformative Africa

In June 2024, we gathered entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers in beautiful Zanzibar.

There, we fostered connections, workshopped ideas, and nurtured changemakers, encouraging them to persevere and achieve their missions.

Meet Our Team

Elliott Bayev


Elliott is an author, advisor, and movement builder, founder of two influential organizations. Global Unity is a diverse community of over 700 change-makers, including social entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and indigenous elders. 

Transformative organizes impact summits and events that unite the impact ecosystem, spotlight positive change, and connect innovative projects with funders and policy-makers.

Through these initiatives, Elliott aims to bridge gaps between impact silos and foster collaboration across various sectors.

Gloria Kimbwala


Gloria Kimbwala is a renowned blockchain leader, specializing in quadratic funding, regenerative cryptoeconomics, developer relations, and inclusive financial structures. 

As a Technical Advisor on the Board of Directors for the Black Women Blockchain Council, she's recognized as one of the Top Ten Women in Fintech. Gloria is also a speaker and mentor, sharing her expertise and empowering marginalized voices through hackathons and social justice causes. 

She's passionate about using technology to amplify diverse voices and promote economic empowerment. When she's not working, you can find Gloria coding with her sons, practicing yoga, or playing the drums.

Taylor Kendal


Taylor Kendal (@tayken) is a recovering academic, systems thinker, cultural enzyme, novelty junkie and President of Learning Economy Foundation, a social impact organization focused on next-gen education infrastructure. 

Beyond work with LEF, Taylor is also a proud Colorado native and community steward with EthDenver (the largest web3 hackathon in the world) where he focuses on equitable social impact, digital identity/privacy, exploring the future of education and digital trust, and occasionally writing to make sense of it all. Not all who wander are lost.

Cecilia Pagkalinawan


Cecilia loves bringing her expertise cultivated from her work with global brands from Burberry to Audi to help impact and sustainability focused emerging companies grow and thrive. She founded venture-backed startups BoutiqueY3k, StyleTrek and appLOUD. 

Since 2020 she has evolved into a "carbon minimalist" and worked on more diverse ESG projects such as democratizing STEM education with STEMlingo, support Bye Bye Plastic's mission in eliminating single use plastic at festivals and music venues, associate produced TEDxTulum's "Congruencia" featuring speakers on climate change mitigation, supported Minga Indigena's efforts to get a seat at the table at COP, and produced NFT4Good event at NFTnyc with the symposium "Can NFT's Save the Planet." 

Cecilia is founder of Earthlings and was recently inducted into Samudra's Sustainability Leadership Trust and Global Unity's Wisdom Council. She was marketing advisor to Andrew Yang's 2020 presidential campaign. In her spare time she creates regenerative art that conveys the fragility of the earth's ecosystems and advocates for the transition to clean energy.

Renata Enríquez

Product designer

Ren is an architect and product designer with 5 years of experience in the tech, entertainment, social impact, and web3 industries.

Her work focuses on enhancing user experience and visually communicating brand identity. Ren's design abilities span a wide range, including website development, UX/UI design, branding kit and pitch deck creation, as well as 3D and motion design.

Besides design, she's also passionate for ultimate frisbee, yoga, and other forms of art like dancing, singing and writing.

"It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act."

 ― The Dalai Lama

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